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Book Project



Glass Ceilings: How Awareness-raising Campaigns Can Increase Political Diversity 





Journal Articles



  1. Why Mentoring Events Fail? An Experimental Study of The Effect of Mentoring Events Content on  Women's Political Ambitions (from my doctoral thesis; pre-print available)

  2. Why Awareness-raising Campaigns Fail? Exploring the Conditioning Effect of Partisanship for the Effect on Women's Political Ambitions (from my doctoral thesis; undergoing preparation for submission)

  3. Will She Run? The Heterogeneous Effect of Perceived Discrimination on Women's Political Ambition (research letter - from my doctoral thesis)

  4. Will She Run? Observing the Effect of Information about Women’s Suitability for Politics on British Women’s Political Ambition (research letter - from my doctoral thesis)

  5. Tipping Theory, LGBTQ+ Rights and Attitudes Change (with Professor Elias Dinas and Dr Vicente Valentim, IE Business School; pre-print available soon)

  6. The Villain Effect: How Negative Role Models Mobilise Women's Political Participation Through Threat and Urgency





Future Projects



  • Your First Short Manual on How to Embed Intersectionality in Research Methodology (manual)




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